HazCat® waste is often disposed of by simply bulking it with the waste at the site.
There are instances where this is not acceptable. It is the HazCat® user’s
responsibility to determine compatibility
of HazCat® waste with bulk waste and to
determine the waste stream. All HazCat® reagents are labeled with chemical
names. HazCat® waste must be disposed of according to local jurisdiction.

What’s That Smell?

Things like toluene, hexane, alcohol, ammonia hydroxide and xylene all produce odors.  Make sure the little washer is under the black caps on the bottles.

The ammonia/acetate reagent (RE-2313) does produce an odor that is similar to vinegar and maybe somewhat sweet

To alleviate the problem….Odors are from vapors and they are generated faster when the hotter weather starts in.  Keep the kit cool.

Also if they open the kit every day and use it it might lessen the odor intensity.

WMD Comparison Chart

What HazCat Materials Are Perishable?

HazCat 2.0 Perishable Items List

RE2312 – Dithizone in Methylene Chloride 1-2 years

RE2314 – Aluminon 2 years

RE2315 – a,a”-Dipyridyl 2 years

RE2330 – Alizarin 2 years

HW4005 – Agri-Screen Test Kit 1 Year

HW4012 – Clor-n-Oil 6 months

HW4047 – Peroxide Test Strips 1-2 years

DTK7842 – Detector Tube Kit check date



(209) 966-8088 or (800) 543-5487


All other reagents require periodic testing to ensure no contamination and/or loss of functionality.

HazCat PRO 2.0 Perishable Items

RE2330- Alizarin 2 years

RE2314- Aluminon 2 years

RE2315- a,a”-Dipyridyl 2 years

HW4005- Agri-Screen Test Kit 1 Year

HW4047 Peroxide Test Strips 1 year

HW4045- Oxidizer Test Strips 1 year

RE2312- Dithizone in Methylene Chloride 1 year

DTK7842- Detector Tube Kit check date Call for pricing

HW4012- Clor-n-Oil 6 mos.

HW4005A- Phosphorus Test Ampule(2ct) 1 Year

HW4005B- Phosphorus Test Ticket (2ct) 1 Year

HW4012-1 Sodium Fusion Test 1 (2ct) 6 mos.

HW4012-2 Sodium Fusion Test 2 (2ct) 6 mos.

HW5111- Pro8 strip 1 year (Anthrax, Ricin, Botulinum, SEB, Plague, Tularemia, Brucella & Orthopox)

HW4061- Sulfide Test Papers 2 years


*Call for pricing All other reagents require periodic testing to ensure no contamination and/or loss of functionality. Refer to your systems User’s Manual for instructions.

*The individual manufacturers in conjunction have set the dates presented above with HazTech Systems, Inc. to assure accurate identification & detection of the various elements these products and our kits are designed for. Actual expiration of the above may vary due to allotted batch.

Any product above may function past their expiration, but due to liability of findings, neither the manufacturer nor HazTech Systems, Inc. can stand behind results of any product used past their prime. HazTech Systems, Inc. currently warrants any product we sell for a period of 1-year regardless of predetermined manufacturer dates or shelf life.

HazCat 1.0 vs. 2.0

Liquid Acid Charts


The updated version of the liquid acids chart allows technicians to identify 5 – 6 new acidic liquids.  The updated version includes several new tests which include Bromide Iodide Test, Ammonium Salts Test, Sulfate-Sulfite Test, Heavy Metals Test, Carboxylate Test, and Boron Tests. Modifications to the instructions, reagents, outcomes, and sequence of tests featured in the 1.0 version have also been made.

Particular improvements to be noted include:

  • Treatment of Clear vs. uncolored solutions.
  • The integration of qualitative data with respect to positive oxidizers undergoing Nitric Acid Test allows the process to identify Hydrobromic Acid and Ammonium Persulfate Solution, while also allowing the oxidizing character of Perchloric Acid, Picric Acid, Piranha Acid, and Arsenic Acid to be identified sooner.
  • In addition to integrating the heavy metal test to determine chromiu the conclusion of the positive oxidizer path has also been modified to include instructions to conduct an inorganic analysis specifically section 6 of the Metal Analysis series.
  • While the carboxylate acid test is similar to the Organic/Inorganic Acid Gas Test, the expected results are clearer and additionally there appear to be modifications in the types of Draeger tubes used.
  • The Organic Acid Test has been modified to allow odor results to aid in identification of  3 new acids, propanoic, valeric, and caproic acid, and in addition to this the confirmation of organic character facilitates the use of the alcohol test to determine lactic acid or solutions of tartaric, absorbic, and malic acid.
  • HAZCAT 1.0

Flouride Test > Sulfate Test > Chloride Test > Iodide Test > Bromide Test > Nitric Acid Test 2 > Perchlorate Test > Cyanide Gas Test 2


Flouride Test > Sulfate Test > Chloride Test > Iodide Test > Bromide Test > Nitric Acid Test 2 > Perchlorate Test > Cyanide Gas Test 2


Chloride Test > Bromide Iodide Test > Phosphate Test > Sulfate-Sulfite Test > Flouride Test> Boron Test > Perchlorate Test > Nitric Acid Test > Cyanide Gas Test 2


Chloride Test > Bromide Iodide Test > Phosphate Test > Sulfate-Sulfite Test > Flouride Test> Boron Test > Perchlorate Test > Nitric Acid Test > Cyanide Gas Test 2

  • The Citric acid test has also been replaced with the Boron Test to distinguish between hydrofluoric and fluoroboric acids.

Solid Acid Charts


The updated version of the solid acids chart allows technicians to identify an additional 23 solid acids utilizing the chart.  The updated version eliminates 4 tests, the Chromium, Iron, Acetate, and Sulfate tests, respectively, while rearranging and modifying existing tests to produce a more effective screening of solid acid materials.  Modifications to the instructions, reagents, outcomes, and sequence of tests featured in the 1.0 version have also been made.

Particular improvements to note include:

  • Oxidizing acids can undergo further thermal analysis where is before only identifications for Chromium Trioxide, Ferric Chloride, and “metal” salts were possible.
  • The Chromium test has been replaced with the heavy metals test to identify Chromium Trioxide.
  • The iron test has been replaced with the Metal Analysis Test III which allows the additional identification of Ferric disulfide in addition to gauging the oxidizing strength of the solid acid to safely undergo thermal analysis.
  • Thermal analysis allows for an additional 18 solid acids to be identified while the previous version would require both a metal analysis screen and anion determination using the anions chart.
  • An additional observational result in the oxidizer test prompts a Picric Acid Test which allows for the safe identification of Picric Acid and 2,4-dinitrophenol.
  • An additional acid tests allows for aluminum and phosphorous containing acids to be identified and confirmed with more conclusive visual upgrades.
  • The Char Test Complex/ Thermal Analysis includes 5 additional observations which in additional to allowing direct identification of solid acids previously unidentifiable also offers color change results in an accessible and acid focused format.







Acetate Test

UK +H2SO4 → Acetate Ion

*Gastec Acid Gases 80 or Dreager Acetic Acid 5/a


Definitive test for acetate anion in metals.

*Tubes are currently not stocked

Acetate Test II

UK(aq) H2SO4 → CO

*Poly Tev IV or Dreager CO


Definitive test for Acetate in organic Acids

*Tubes are currently not stocked.

Acetone Test

[(NH4)OH* + I] sltn + UK → percipitates



Distinguishes acetones, ketones, and unknown organic.

*Initial mixture forms an explosive when dry therefore elimination decreases hazards.

Acid Test

UK+ 3N HCl → effervesence

*Add methanol to break surface tension if needed

*Presented in Oxidizer Complex

The presentation of results in 2.0 is more cohesive with particular attention to color changes, and combinations of results.  Distinctions are also made regarding the relevance of results to either the main solids/liquids chart vs. anion chart.

Alcohol Solubility Test

[UK + methanol]sltn + H2O →

Gel (flour/starch) or White flakes (non- polar solid)

*Presented with Xylene Solubility


The test is used to assess the polar/ non-polar nature of the unknown.

Alcohol Test

HNO3* + K2Cr2O7** + UK

color changes in solution

Leave sltn up to 30 mins if [OH]~ 100 ppm

*MA1, **Alcohol test

[HNO3* + K2CrO4**]sltn + UK

Color changes in solution

*Utilizes timer to establish rates for primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols

MA1*, **Alcohol Test

The test changes from potassium dichromate to potassium chromate

In addition to the color results of 1.0, version 2.0 presents time results which allow for distinctions to be made between primary, secondary, tertiary alcohols.

Aldehyde Test

[ CuSO4* + Alk. Tart**]sltn +

[UK +HCl]sltn  → color change

*Sugar Test 1, **Sugar Test 2

[AgNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) + NH4OH]sltn

Filter Paper + UK(aq)

The tests has been completely reformulated to eliminate Sugar Test 2

Alkaline Metals Test

[UK]sltn + HCl + (NH4(2C2O4))

Colored percipitates

Test allows all group II metals to be identified and additionally gives confirmatory leads.

**Check for Ammonium Oxalate Reagent.  Check if the one for Ca test works

Aluminum Metal Test

NaOH*(aq) + UK → effervescence

~add MeOH if no Rxn


NaOH*(aq) + UK → effervescence

2.0 calls it Aluminum Test. Test is used to identify powdered aluminum metal.  When conjoined with magnet test, thermite can also be identified with this.  Versoin 1.0 creates the NaOH solution using MA5 whereas the new test has NaOH solution reagent.

Aluminum Test

UK(acidified) + C22H23N3O9* + NH4C2H3O2** → red floc.

Red floc + NH4OH***

*Al-1, **Metal Extraction, ***MA4

UK + C22H23N3O9* + NH4C2H3O2** → red floc.

Red floc + NH4OH***

*Al-1, **Metal Extraction, ***MA4

In version 1.0 the test is called the Aluminum Test while in 2.0 it is called Aluminum Salt Test.  2.0 no longer requires the acidification of UK and additionally allows the identification of Berrylium and Copper salts.

Amine Test

Ammonia Gas Test 4

UK(l) + I → smoke/color →vapor pH

This test allows for the identification of Amines and ringed nitrogen compounds. Results are better presented in addition to treating color changes.

Ammonia Gas Test

Test 1: pH headspace for non-flammable liquids

Test 2: UK(aq) + NaOH* →pH vapor, *MA5

Test 3: pH headspace for combustible/flammable /water soluble liquids

Test 4 – Amine test

Test 5: UK(pH≤7) char → pH vapor

pH headspace

The Ammonia Gas Test in version 2.0 has compressed Test 1 and 3 while separating Test 4 into the Amine Test and Test 2 into the Ammonium Salts test, which facilitates ease of results interpretation.

Test 5 has been eliminated as the result seems likely to be covered under the char test.

Version 2.0 facilitates ease of use as the Amine test has more informative results.

Ammonium Salts Test

Ammonia Gas Test 2

NaOH(aq)* + UK → pH head space, *NaOH solution

This test identifies the Ammonium cation. The NaOH reagent used to be made using NaOH but now comes as a standard.

Aniline Test

UK(l) + H2SO4 + MNO2* + q → blue liquid

*Aniline Test

UK(l, aq) → H2O layer + H2SO4 + KCrO4 → blue liquid

Version 2.0 utilizes Potassium Chromate instead of Manganese Oxide.

*check reagent

Antimony Test

*Version 1.0 Accessory

Not included

Currently not stocked

Arsenic Test

Filter Paper + HgCl2*,

[UK + SnCl2** + KI*** + H2SO4**** + Zn*****]

*As1, **As2, ***As3, ****As4, *****As5

Filter Paper + AgNO3,

[UK + SnCl2 + KI + H2SO4], 10 mins

Add Zn then filter paper

Version 2.0 activates the filter paper with silver nitrate.  Additionally, instructions now include details on appropriate wait times for optimal results.

Asbestos Test

Test 1: Asbestos Magnesium Test

UK+ Asb3 (+Asb3a) + Asb2 → precipitate

Test 2: Asbestos Iron test

UK + Asb2 (+Asb4a) + Asb1 + Asb2


Barium Test

Ba Test(aq)* + UK(aq) + HCl

Ba Test(aq)  + [UK(aq) + NH4OH**] + HCl


[HCl + reagent paper] + UK(aq) + Ba Test(aq)

Version 2.0 utilizes a new reagent paper.   Additionally, it is referred to as the Barium/Lead test. This reagent paper also allows for the identification of lead utilizing practically the same test except for the addition of regaent paper

*check reagent.

Benzoyl Peroxide Test

UK + MeOH* → moist peroxide strip color change.

No changes

Bismuth Test

Refers to Nickel Test


Boron Test

UK + MeOH* + q →green flame

UK + MeOH + H2SO4 + q → green flame

*alcohol solubility

UK + MeOH + H2SO4 + q → green flame

*alcohol solubility

Version 2.0 only presents the sulfuric enhanced test.  Additionally, the presented results also allow for the identification of sodium borohydride.    

Bromide Test

UK + CuSO4* → burgundy

*Sugar test 1

UK(aq) + Xylene + KMNO4 + H2SO4 → color changes

Version 2.0 includes a Bromide-Iodide test which screens for both the bromine anion and iodide ion.  The test in version 2.0 further creates an aqueous and a non-non aqueous layer and combinations of colors in both layers allow identification of bromates, iodates, chromic acid, conc. Nitric acid, persulfate, chlorate, and perborate anions.  Additionally the literature presents results as they are pertinent to liquid acids and anions charts.

*check reagents for KMNO4

BYTEX Separator

UK(aq) → top layer + H2SO4 → yellow orange


The test is used to identify components of BYTEX mixtures.

Cadmium Test

UK(aq) [+ HCl to dissolve] + Cad. Test → color changes.

UK(aq/acid) + HCl →transfer liquid1 + NH4OH → transfer liquid2 + Cad. Test → compare color changes to results

  Also assess color changes of the remaining solid residue from the first transfer

Version 1.0 features clearer instructions.  Additionally it identifies Cd, Ag, Hg, Fe, and Pb.  Version 2.0 identifies Cd, Hg (I), Pb containing compounds, Bi, Cu, Hg (II), Sn, and Zn compounds.  Version 2.0 results also feature color coding which correlates to concentration levels.

*check reagents and procedure.

Calcium Test

UK(aq) + HCl → (effervescence) + C2H8N2O4 → color changes


The test did allow for the identification of Ca, Co, and Cr when it was part of an insoluble salt.

Carbon Dioxide Test

UK(aq)  ( + HCl ) → effervescence into tube

*Gastec Polytec IV/Draeger Carbon Dioxide


Version 1.0 was designed to identify the inorganic carbonate anion.

Carbon Monoxide Test

UK + q → vapor into tubes

Gastec Polytec IV 27 / Draeger CO 8/a

UK + q → vapor into tubes

Drager Carbon Monoxide CO5/c tube

Version 1.0 is designed to identify inorganic carbon/graphite.  While the Version 2.0 tests utilizes the same mechanism but a different tube.

Carbonate Test

UK(aq) [+ MeOH] → pH +     Ba Cl2 →white percip. + HCl →Result, pH → HOOH → white percip. → Result + HCl + NaOH → filter solid → BaCl2 + HCl → result

UK + HCl →Draeger Carbon Dioxide, CO2 100/a tube

The carbonate test is new to the Hazcat system.  The test allows for the identification of both inorganic carbonate and bicarbonate ions in addition to bisulfites and metabisulfites.  Results are presented in both main solids and main liquids context.

*check mechanics of test.

Carboxylate Test

UK + HCl [+ q] → Drager Carbon Monoxide – CO 5/c tube  + Drager Acetic Acid 5/a tube

The carboxylate test is new to the hazcat system and allows for identication of organic acids, metal salts w/ organic acid anions and allows for identification between acids with organic structure and organic structure/inorganic binary oxy acids

Cesium Test

See potassium test

Char Test

1. Hairpin Test

Screens for explosives, hydrides, organic peroxides, metallic flame tests, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, and phosphoruous

UK + hairpin + q + [HCl, q]

2.  Char Test – heat testube

Identifies mixtures, organics vs. inorganics, alkali salts, iodides, silicates, pesticides, sulfur, and nitrates.

3. Char Ignition Test – ignite vapors off headspace

4. Char pH Test – pH of unknowns which originally featured a ph {5,9}

5. Char oxidizer test

Identifies nitrates

Thermal Analysis

The order of Char pH test and Char Oxidizer test should be reversed.

Chlorate Test

*Conducted on Thermal Analysis Residue.

UKres + H2O + HNO3 + AgNO3

The test identifies chlorates which decompose/ release oxygen during thrermal analysis.

Chloride Test

UK(aq) + [H2SO4, pH ≤7] AgNO3 → white percip + H2SO4

UK(aq) + AgNO3 → white percip. + NH4OH

While the tests share a name, version 2.0 eliminates the initial acidification of the unknown and in lieu of acidifying the precipitate, it is basified.

Version 1.0 identifies chlorides, phosphates, thiocyanate, and bromide/iodide ions.

Version 2.0 identifies chlorides, bromide/iodide (including the respective acids), sulfites, thiosulfites, phosphoric acid, sodium persulfate, potassium persulfate, copper cations, iron cations, and cobalt cations.

Chromium Test

UK(acidifed) + Chromium Test → colors

Version 1.0 is able to detect most all chromium salts excluding chromium trioxide.  The chromium must be in an acidic solution to be detected.

Chromate Test

UK + HCl + HOOH → color changes

Version 2.0 features this test to confirm the chromate ion.  Interferences and additional info for this test are not available.  Users are directed to this test via Metal Analysis 3.

Cobalt Test

UK + Co Test* → color change

*sodium thiocyanate in EtOH

UK(liq) + NaSCN → color change

[MeOH + H2O + HNO3] → transfer  + NaSCN

Version 2.0 acidifies the unknown solution and in addition to identifying Co, Fe (III), Cu (II), Bismuth and moldbdem.  Additionally due to more precise measurements concentrations for Co are catalogued by color. Version 1.0 treats both solids and liquids alike, and identifies Co, Au, Ag, and Cu

*Solvent of thiocyanate solution should be investigated.

Combustibility Test

UK(liq) + q → combustion of liquid and saturated match

UK(liq) + reagent paper + q  →combustion

Version 1.0 uses the match as a medium to assess the degree of combustibility/flammability whilst Version 2.0 utilizes paper.  Version 1.0 features flame color results whereas 2.0 does not present any flame color results due to the use of paper.

Copper Test

UK(aq) + NH4OH → blue/ MA-4 results

[H2O + KI + HCl] + UK → color changes

Version 1.0 identifies directly for copper, Cr (III), Fe, Mn, Co, Me, Bi, An, Mg, Al, Cu, and Cr (IV)

Version 2.0 identifies Cu , Ag, and Pb.  Color gradients are also correlated to copper concentrations of types of copper salts.

The Metal Analysis 4 is no featured in Version 2.0 therefore evaluate if anything will be lost.

Copper Wire Test

[wire, MeOH] → UK → Cu

[wire, MeOH] → UK → Cu

Version 1.0 is designed to assess organic halogens for non-corrosive sinking liquids.  The technique in Version 2.0 is improved and now allows for solids to undergo the test.  Unknown vapors are also assessed.

Cyanide Test 1

UK(aq) +  [CYN -1 + CYN-2] + HCl → color change

UK(aq) + Ferr. Ammonium Citrate → RESULT → Ferr. Ammonium Sulf. + HCl → result

Version 1.0 calls this the Cyanide Test whilst in 2.0 it is Cyanide Test 1. The test identifies water soluble inorganic cyanides.  While the reagents are the same the instructions are different.

*check reagents and instructions

Cyanide Test 2

Test 1: Nitriles/Organic Cyanides

UK + q → tube*

Test 2: Insoluble Metal Cyanides

UK + q→ tube*

Test 3: Urethane Plastics

UK + q → tube*

Tube* – Gastec Hydrogen Cyanide 12L or Drager Hydrocyanic 2/a

UK + q + Drager Hydrocyanic Acid 0.5/a tube

Seems to correspond to Test 2

Differences in the type of tubing being used are apparent.  Additionally, Test 1 and 3 did not feature any large differences however their applicability to nitriles and urethane plastics is no longer emphasized.

Dehydration Test

UK + H2SO4 + H2SO4 →

The test indicates common table sugar/polyalcohol.

Dimenthal Sulfoxide (DMSO)

Place UK on watch glass


The test screens for volatile substances and additionally the behavior, residues, and odors give more details.

Flour Test

UK + KI → flour result

UK + KI → flour test

No changes.

Flouride Test

UK(aq) [pH ≤ 7, HCl]  + Fl test

[Alazarin + HCl] + UK

Version 2.0 appears to have modified the instructions of the test.  Additionally the Alazarin is the base of the fluoride test and must be checked on.  Results are also color and additionally the new test allows for levels of fluoride in water to be measured using a color gradient.

*check reagents

Freon Test

UK + match, watch headspace

UK + match, watch headspace

No changes

Gallium Test

UK + match → melts


Version 1.0 offered a way to confirm lab grade solid gallium, which is rarely encountered.

Glycerol Test

UK + KMnO4 → result

The test is new to the system and over 15 mins identifies glycocerol and propylene glycol

Heavy Metals Test

UK (aq, 4 – 11):

UK(aq) + [MeOH + Diphenylcarbazide] → color change → + H2SO4 →color change for Cr. *new test tube*

[UK(aq) + MeOH + diphenylcarbazide] + NH4OH → color change. *new test tube*

[UK + NaOH + HOOH] +q ] + UK(aq) + MeOH → color change

UK (aq, 0-3):

UK(aq) + [MeOh + diphenylcarbazide] → color change + NH4OH → color change, shake → color change/NH4OH

UK(aq, 12-14):

UKaq + [MeOH + diphenylcarbizide] → color change + H2SO4 → color change + NH4OH → color change.

The Heavy metals test is new to Version 2.0.  The test provides 3 methods for dealing with unknowns which a pH 4-11, pH 0-3 and for those with pH 12-14.

ph 4-11:

The first color change indicates the presence of Cu, Hg (II), Cr (VI), Cd, Co, Pd, Mb, Ni, and Ag.  Acidification of the test with dilute sulfuric acid gives the positive indicator for Chromium.

At this point the unknown, methanol carbazide solution is remade and basified with ammonium hydroxide to create color changes indicative of Hg, Ag, Cd, Ni, Mb, Co, Ni, and Cr. Any color changes other than the observed are then retested for chromium with another method.

pH 0-3:

The first color change indicates the possibility of chromate, Cr (VI), Hg, Mb.  The 2nd and 3rd color changes are to confirm for Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni , Co.

pH 12- 14:

The first color change indicates for Pb and Cu.  Following this the solution is acidified to produce a 2nd color change which indicates for Cr, Ni, Cu, & Mb.  The solution is then basified to indicate for Co.

Overall the test is very cool!!

*check reagent.

Hydrochloric Acid Gas Test

UK + q + Gastec Hydrogen Chloride 14L/ Drager Vinyl Chloride 0.5/a tube


The test indentifies low levels of organic chlorides which are typically featured in PCBs and PVC plastic resin.  The test was eliminated.

Ignition Off Gas Test

UK + HCl → match to vapors

The test basically assesses the vapors of materials which off gas when acidified.  Indicators for metallic looking unknowns include Ba, Ca, Li, Mg, and Zn, while those for non-metallic unknowns include aluminum carbide, Calcium carbide, and sodium borohydride.  Negative results of the test include arsenate, bicarbonates, peroxides, nitrites, peroxides, sodium peroxide, phosphorous pentoxide, nitrites, and sodium nitrites.

Ignition of Plastic Sample Test

Touch hot hair pin to plastic


The test is part of strategy 3 which focuses on understanding an unknowns behavior in the oxidizer, char, and solubility complex to assign a hazard class.  There is good information regarding how to approach drum jobs in general which might be best addressed in a different training.

Iodide Test

UK(aq) + H2SO4 + q → oxidizer test strip


The test is able to detect organic and inorganic iodides, bromides, nitrates, and chlorides.  When performed on an acid, the acid is hydroiodic acid.

*impact on acids chart

Iodine Test

Test 1: Flame Test of UK

Test 2:  UK + hexane*

Test 3: UK(aq) + hexane*

*iodine test

*Iodine Test 1*

Flame test of purple solid utilizing “explosive test” tool

These tests are used to identify iodine in methamphetamine methods involving red phosphorus.

*check to make sure explosive test tool isn’t function specifc/expensive

Iodine Test 2

Iodine Test 2

UK + hexane + H2O

The test is used to indicate iodine/iodide.  In version 1.0 the test is referred to as Iodine Test 2

Iodine Crystal Test

UK + I(crystal) → color  change + viscosity.

Color standards made form mixing solvents with I(crystal) – hexane, xylene, and alcohol solubilty

UK  + I(crystal) → color  change + viscosity.

Color standards made form mixing solvents with I(crystal) – hexane, xylene, and alcohol solubilty

The test allows for the identification of various organic solvents when color change results are assessed with viscosity.  Many organic solvents can be identified from this test.  In version 2.0 the results are no longer assessed coupled with the viscosity test however there is an organic analysis section which might supplement.

Iron Test

Test 1:

UK + Potassium Ferrocyanide* → color change

Test 2:

UK + 1-10,phenanthioline** → color change

Test 3:

UK + Sodium Thiocyanate*** → color change

*Metal Analysis 3, ** Iron Test 2, ***Cobalt Test


The series of tests is definitive for inorganic iron cation.  The test was eliminated in version 2.0.

*Check for identification of iron

Ketone Test

UK + ketone test piece

UK + ketone test piece, rub 4X

The test detects ethers, esters, aldehydes, and ketones.  The test seems unchanged however results in 1.0 are more texture oriented while those in 2.0 indicate that a stain will be left.

*make sure ketone test piece is the same material.

Latex Paint Test

UK + Metal Extraction Test, make a ball out of remaining solid and bounce it.


The test is used as part of paints strategy 3 and is no longer included in version 2.0

Lead Test

Test 1:

UK(l) + chloranilic acid* → result

UK(s) + Met. Extraction Test + Chloranilic acid* → result

*Pb test

Test 2:

Met. Extraction Test + UK + KCr2O7


The lead tests are definitive for inorganic Pb and its salts. Test 1 gives false positives for Bi, and AgNO3.  The Pb-test reagent expires 1.5 years from purchase date.

Test 2 is a quick test for high concentrations of Pb and color changes identify either Pb/Ba.

Lead in Gasoline Test

UK(l) + MA-10 filter paper + special blacklight + Tetra Ethyl Pb Test → color change


The test is used to distinguish leaded and unleaded fuel.  The black light and tetra ethyl lead test aren’t currently stocked in the kit.

Lead in Paint Test

Paint(dry) + Met. Extrac. Test + Chrloranilic Acid* → color


The test is used identify lead in both wet and dry paints.

Lithium Test

Metal Analys 1, Flame Color

Not listed but Metal Analysis 1 is included

Magnesium Test

UK(aq) + nitrophenylaz-1-napthol* → color change

*magnesium test

UK(aq) + Magneson 2 → color change

The test is still included in both versions however the reagent in 2.0 is renamed to magneson 2.  Due to the results being identical, even in description, it appears to be the same test.

Magnet Test

UK in watch glass and magnet under

UK in test tube and move magnet up and down

In both versions the test should be used to assess black/gray/ metallic solids of Fe(II) salts and Fe-oxides.  Version 2.0 features a more extensive list of interferences along with slight variations in technique which decrease the amount of sample being used.

Manganese Test

UK(l) + -HOOH* + Ammonium Oxalate** → percip + effervescence

UK(s) + HCl + -HOOH* + Ammonium Oxalate** →percip + effervscense

*MA-8, **Ca Test

UK + HCl + -HOOH* → color change result + Ammonium oxalate** → result

Both versions identify the manganese cation. While in version 1.0 only the solid sample is acidified, in 2.0 all samples are acidified.  Additionally observational results following the addition of peroxide to the acidified unknown are able to indicated the presence of Fe, Cu, Vd, Mb, Mg, Cu, Pb, and Al which are then followed with the conclusive identification of Ba, Be, Ca, La, Mg, St, and Sn once the ammonium oxalate is added.  Version 2.0 also notes that Fe and Co act as interferences in addition to featuring better color results.

Mercury Test

Test 1:

Cu (coin) + HCl + UK(l) → silver sheen.

Test 2:

Diphenylcarbizide + UK(l) + NH4OH (ph > 8 )→ result

HCl + Hg Test Slug + UK

Version 1.0 cautions that the test should only be performed when confirming results from MA-7 and never from MA-2.  Version 1.0 features 2 tests of which Test 2 is more sensitive.  Test 2 is eliminated in version 2.0.

Test 1 and the test listed in Version 2.0 appear to be the same test however an examination of the Hg test slug is necessary to confirm.

Metal Analysis 1

Flame test

Flame test

The tests are identical excluding minor hardware changes.  Additionally version 2.0 features easy to use color results.  The test is no longer part of the 6-test metal analysis screen.

Metal Analysis 2

Borax + UK + q → bead

Borax + UK + q → bead

The rests are identical however version 2.0 features colored results.  The rest is no longer part of the 6-test metal analysis screen.

Metal Analysis 3

Filter paper* + KFeCN** + UK(aq) → leave to dry

compare result to test tube w/ KFeCN + UK

UK(l) + KFeCN

UK(s) + H2O +HNO3 + KFeCn

Version 1.0 compared a mixture of the unknown and KFeCN in solution and on filter paper media.  Version 2.0 is unique in that solid unknowns undergo acidification and additionally the solution is not compared to filter paper.  The test repeats itself in section VI for inorganics.

Metal Analysis 4

UK + NH4OH → percipitates


Metal Analysis 5

UK + NaOH → percipitates


Metal Analysis 6

UK + HCl → percipitates


Metal Analysis  7

[UK + HCl]* + Na2S → percipitates

*Contents of MA-6 test


Metal Analysis 8

[UK +HCl + Na2S]* + NH4OH → percipitates

*Contents of MA-7 test


Methanol Test

UK(l) + CuSO4 + NH4OH → color change


The test is used to identify methanol although it is seldom necessary to distinguish types of alcohol.

Molybdenum Test

UK(aq) + NaSCN  → result 1 + HCl + Zn → final result

The test is confirmation for molybdenum.  Following the addition of NaSCN, color changes indicate Fe (III), Cu, Bi, Mb, Ag,and Hg.  After the addition of

Nickel Test

UK(l) + Dimethylglyoxime* (+ NH4OH** if pH < neutral) → color change

UK(s) + H2O (+ HCl***/H2SO4****/HNO3***** if not dissolving, one at a time) + Dimethylglyoxime* (+ HCl until pH <7) → color change

Ni-Test*, MA-4**, MA-4***, MA-6****, MA-1*****

UK(s) + HCl (+ HNO3, if no dissolve) + H2O → filtrate.

UK → pH:

(pH 9 -14): UK + HCl until pH is 6 then resume with steps for pH (0 – 8)

(pH 0-8): UK + dimethylglyoxime + NH4OH → result

Version 2.0 makes small change in treating acidic and basic samples differently however the results are the same.  The test indicates for Ni, Bi, Pd, Pt, Fe (III), Cu, Co, and Mn.

Nitric Acid  Test

UK + peroxide test strip

UK + q + Oxidizer strip → result.

UK + q → vapor observations + [HCl on Oxidizer strip] → result.

UK + peroxide test strip


Version 2.0 gives instructions and observations regarding vapors.  Version 2.0 also detects chromic and hydroidic acid in addition to Nitric acid.

Oil Test

UK + q + NaHSO3* → result

*Oil Test

UK + MeOH + NaOH → result, 40 mins, timer.

The test is designed to distinguish between petroleum oils and vegetable/animal fat oils.  While version 2.0 uses less reagents and would allow for disposal of NaHSO3, the test does take 40 mins and requires accurate use of a timer.

Organic Acid Test

UK(aq) + Ammonium Molybdate/Sodium Metavanadate* + Sodium Bisulfite** →  color results

*Organic Acid Test

**Oil Test


UK(l) + (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 + -HOOH → result/restart

UK(l) + I + H2) → result → alcohol test.


UK + H2O → Dissolves/Floats

Float – treat as liquid

Dissolved – UK(aq) + KI → white/yellow + BaCl2 → result

The test is designed to give colors for the various organic acids.  Version 2.0 utilizes different reagents and appears to allow more acids to be identified.

Organic/ Inorganic Acid Test

UK + Gastec Acid Gases 80/ Drager Acetic Acid 5/a


The test is designed to determine if an acid is organic or inorganic.  In version 2.0 it has been eliminated and additionally it was never maintained for lack of Drager tubes.

Organic Compounds Test

UK + NaSCN* + q + sulfide test strip

*Cobalt Test


The test is a fallback test for extremely difficult unknowns and merely identifies if a compound has C-H bonds.  I recommend keeping the test/ putting it into the WMD kit.

Organophosphate Quick Test

UK(aq) + AgNO3* → pH & result

*Chloride Test

[UK + Xylene + MeOH] + AgNO3

The test is part of the pesticide detection kit and offers a quick way to identify organophosphates for unknowns featuring a foul odor and emulsify in water.  Version 2.0 creates an emulsion, while the first does not.

Organophospate Test (Agri Screen Ticket

UK + H2O + Agri Screen Ticket


The test identifies three types of pesticides.

Oxalate Test

UK(aq) + MnO2* + H2SO4** + q → Gastec Polytec IV/ Drager Carbon Dioxide 0.01%/a

*Aniline Test, **Arsenic Test $


The test was designed to identify oxalates.

Oxidizer Test Complex

1. Oxidizer Test

[HCl + Oxidizer paper ] → UK

2. Acid Test

UK + HCl + Oxidizer Paper

3. Water Reactivity Test

[H2O + Oxidizer Paper] + UK

4.Oxidizer in Air Test

Same is the first test except the strip doesn’t touch the unknown.

1. Oxidizer Test

[HCl + Oxidizer paper ] → UK

2. Oxidizer in Air Test

Same is the first test except the strip doesn’t touch the unknown.

3. Oxidizer in Smoke Test

Repeat oxidizer test with ignited sample

The oxidizer test has not undergone significant revisions.  Version 2.0 eliminates the Acid and water reactivity tests while adding the oxidizer in smoke test. The oxidizer chart test is not included in version 2.0 which might benefit from it.

Palladium Test

See nickel test

No changes in Nickel Test.

See nickel test remarks.

PCB Test

See Clor N Oil Test

Not included.

Not stocked.

Perchlorate Test

UK(aq) + Methylene Blue

UK(aq) + Methylene Blue

No changes.

Peroxide Test

Rinse Test:

[H2O + MeOH*] rinsed down cap + peroxide test strip

Test 2:

UK + Peroxide Test strip

CuSO4 + UK + color changes for concentrations.

*Alcohol solubility

Test 1:

[H2O + MeOH] rinsed down cap + peroxide test strip

Test 2:

UK + MeOH + Peroxide test strip.  If positive determine concentration/risk

CuSO4 + UK + timer

In both version, test 1 remains unchanged.  Test 2 features the slight variation of methanol to the unknown.  Changes are minor and overall the test is the same.

Phenol Test

UK + Gastec Phenol 60 /Drager Phenol 1/b

UK + Drager Phenol 1/b

The test was used to identify phenol but has been eliminated.  The drager tubes are not stocked.

Pesticide Screening Test

Xylene/Alcohol Solubility test.

UK + MeOH →suspension/sinks/dissolves/ gel

UK+ Xylene → suspension/sinks/dissolves/gel

Xylene Alcohol Solubility Test.  Instructions in version 1.0 might be better.

Phosphate Test

UK(aq) → pH (add NH4OH* until pH ≥ 8) + AgNO3**

*MA-4, Chloride Test

H2O + Ammonium Acetate Acetic Acid + UK →result + AgNO3 → result + HNO3 → result

The test was included to test for the inorganic phosphate anion. The test has a different formulation in version 2.0

Phosphide Test

UK + HCl* + Zn** + [HgCl2*** + Arsenic Test Paper ]

*MA-6, Arsenic Test 5**, Arsenic Test 1***

UK(aq) + HCl + Zn → [reagent paper]

The test was included to test for inorganic phosphides.  The features a different formulation which also cross identifies other metals.

pH Test

No changes

Picric Acid Test

UK + Methylene Blue* → result

UK + Methylene Blue* → result

NO changes


See Nickel Test

Not included

Nickel Test comments apply.

Polytec IV Test

Series of Tubes

Not included

The test is actually 14 tests combined into one but it has not been used due to its use of specialized tubes.

Potassium Test

UK+ copper wire + HCl

Not included

Version 1.0 includes this test specifically however the test is basically covered as MA 1.

Plastics Ignition Test

Plastic + q

See plastics chart for observations.

Polarity test

UK + Magneson 2 →color change

The test determines the polarity of an unknown.

Reactivity in Water Test

UK + H2O → result

The test used to be included in the Oxidizer Test Complex but now stands alone to assess a compound’s reactivity.


Metal Analysis 1

Not included

No changes seeing as the result is listed in Metal Analysis 1

Rhodium Test

NH4Cl* + H2O + SnCl2** + KI *** + UK → result

*MA-13, **As 2, ***As 3

This confirmatory test for Rhodium is no longer used but I suspect it can be kept on file.

*uncertain if we stock MA13

Saturation Test

[MeOH + KMnO4] + UK → result

The test determines if an organic compound is a straight chain alkane or anything else.  A timer is employed to distinguish between unsaturated compounds and other types of hydrocarbons.

Selenium Test

UK + HCl + Thiourea → result

The test is used to identify Selenium.  Currently we do not stock it.

Silver Test

UK(l) + a,a’dipyridyl* → result

*Cadmium test

UK(l) +  KI → color change

UK(s) + H2O, if no dissolving,

+ [NH4OH + HNO3] + K2CrO4.

Adjust  pH as needed with NaOH,

Version 2.0 has altered the test to eliminate the use of the cadmium reagent.  While the new test is doable, it does not detect small amounts of silver therefore Metal Analysis test 5 must be done to confirm.

Soap Test

UK + H2O → shake & pH


The test was designed to detect soaps, surfactants, and detergents.  It has been eliminated in Version 2.0

Sodium Test

UK + wire into flame test/ acidified flame test


To confirm for sodium the unknown must dissolve in the water solubility test and additionally it must also recrystallize out of the char test.

Strontium Test

See Barium Test comments


See Barium Test

Strychnine Test

UK + Aniline Test + H2SO4 → initial positive required

UK + NH4OH* + CHCl3**+ q → residue + H2SO4 + K2CrO4***

*MA-4, **Strychnine test 1, ***strychnine test 2


The test was designed to detect strychnine.  The pretest allows a simpler screen for the compound but due to interferences the double wash test has to be utilized to confirm.  Strychnine reagents were not stocked.

Sugar Test

UK(aq) + HCl + q +[CuSO4* + Alkaline Tartrate**] → result

*sugar test 1, **sugar test 2

UK(aq) + CuSO4 → result

Version 2.0 eliminiates acidifying the unknown and additionally, the copper sulfate reacts directly with the unknown.

Sulfate Test

UK(aq) + BaCl2* → precipitate

*sulfate test

UK(aq) + HCl + BaCl2 → precipitate results [+ HOOH → confirmatory results ]

Version 2.0 combines this with the sulfite test. The addition of peroxide is what serves to confirm the presence of sulfite and should only be performed when directed to from the flow chart.

Sulfide Test

UK + HCl + sulfide test strip*

*lead acetate

UK(aq) + HCl + [Reagent paper + AgNO3]

The test appears to be the same however the reagent papers are different which compels different color changes from the reactions.  *recommend assessing reagent paper

Sulfite Test

UK(aq) + Zn* + HCl + sulfide test strip*

*As-5, lead acetate paper

UK(aq) + HCl + BaCl2 → precipitate results + HOOH → confirmatory results

Version 2.0 combines this with the sulfate test. The addition of peroxide is what serves to confirm the presence of sulfite and should only be performed when directed to from the flow chart.

Thiocyanate Test

Test 1:

UK(aq) + HCl + Ferrous Ammonium Citrate* → color change

*Cyanide test 2

Test 2:

UK + q + Gastec Hydrogen Cyanide 12L or Drager Hydrocyanic Acid 2/a

UK(aq) + HCl + Ferrous Ammonium Citrate → color change

No Changes in Test 1.  Test 2 was never used due to Drager tubes.

Tin Test

UK(aq) + H2SO4* + KI* → result + HCl*** → result/confirmation

*Arsenic 4, **Arsenic 3, ***MA6

UK(aq) + H2SO4 + KI → result + HCl → result/confirmation

Both versions allow  for tin to be detected and confirmed along with indications for Antimony and Arsenic.

**This test reminds me to be concerned about distinctions between concentrated acids vs. the dilute versions and whether it creates differences.

Titanium Test

Test 1:

UK + HOOH* → yellow

*Metal Analysis

Test 2:

UK + Methylene Blue* + HCl** + Zn*** → formation of white precipitate whose speed of formation shall be compared to a standard containing [H2O + Methylene blue + HCl + Zn]

*Perchlorate test, ** MA6, ***As5

H2O + H2SO4 + UK + HOOH → color change for vanadium or titanium

Version 1.0 features 2 tests which indicate for titanium.  Modifications have been made to the version 2.0 test however this test now also confirms for titanium and vanadium.  The version 2.0 also is able to indicate for chromate, copper, zirconium, and thorium.  All the reagents utilized in both tests from version 1 are available and thus the test can be maintained.

The mechanism for the vanadium test in version 1.0 is identical to the titanium version 2.0 test.

Tungsten Test


UK(aq) + H2SO4 + SnCl2 → result + HCl → result + NaSCN + SnCl2 → result

The Tungsten test is new to version 2.0.  At each section where results are checked, certain color indicators must be present for the test to continue.

Turpentine Test

UK + I → warmth/color + H2O → UK should sink


The turpentine test is not included in version 2.0. The test should only be completed on liquids featuring viscosity {1,2}.  The reagents for this test are still maintained and can be carried.

Uranium Test

Filter Paper:

[Dried MA-10 filter + Potassium Ferrocyanide* ] + UK → brown rings

UK(acidifed w/ metal extraction) + Potassium Ferrocyanide → precipitate

UK + Ammonium Acetate + Potassium Ferrocyanide → brown precipitate

There are no changes except for the elimination of the filter test.

Urea Test

UK + [copper wire + MeOH*] + q → color change

UK(aq) + q + NaOH + CuSO4 → color change

Version 2.0 utilizes copper sulfate as the source of copper in lieu of the copper wire utilized in version 1.0.  Both tests can be maintained in the kits.

Urine Test

UK(aq) + phosphotungstic acid* + NH4OH** → color change

*Urine test

**MA 4

The urine test is now a flow chart which utilizes other tests to assess for urine.  They include:

Molybdenum test

Urea test

Phosphate test

Chloride Test

Sulfate/sulfite Test

Carboxylate test

Thiocyanate test

Borate test

Flouride test

Thermal Analysis

Ammonium Salt tests

Version 1.0 features a less complex test for urine which is not included in the flow chart.  The Version 2.0 is an entire flow chart dedicated to many tests combining to screen out and identify urine.

Questions exist regarding how both tests integrate into the flow chart.  Version 1.0 might be maintained if the Urine test is available.

Vanadium Test

UK(aq) + H2SO4 + HOOH → color indicator


included in the titanium test

The vanadium version 1.0 test appears to be the same as the titanium 2.0 test.  The test can be maintained in the kit without further changes.

Vegetable Oil test


UK + Ammonium Acetate + H2SO4 → result

UK + K2CrO4 + H2SO4 → result

UK + MeOH + HNO3 + K2CrO4 → result

Version 2.0 includes this test which is designed to provide more definite solutions regarding the identity of a vegetable oil.  The rest is able to give a confirmation for Cod liver oil.

Viscosity Test

Water solubility complex

Utilize viscosity standard

The test stands alone in version 2.0 which is easier for use, however the mechanism is the same.

Water Reactivity Test

Included in oxidizer test



Water Solubility Test

Complex Test

Section 3

To be assessed.

Xylene/Alchol Solubility Test

UK + MeOH + H2O → emulsion

UK + Xylene + H2O → emulsion

Pesticide Screen Test

No changes.

Zinc Test

Test 1 for zinc metal:

UK → acid flame test

Test 2 or zinc cation:

NaOH* + H2O + UK(aq) + acid.


The indicators for both results are identical however version 2.0 does seem to offer more simple instructions.


During the production of our HazCat Kits and their affiliated options, we have made a series of the latest technological and user friendly changes which will allow the kits to be used effectively in the field for an extended amount of time.  These changes enable the end user the ability to keep their original purchased kit in the most current condition. We offer refurbishing, which will allow any HazCat Kit, no matter how dated, to be brought up to the latest standard.  The refurbishing consists of the replacement of any reagents or hardware missing, damaged or expired in the HazCat Kit and the labor to install.

This service provides an alternative to repurchasing a HazCat Kit to replace an older version.  Refurbishing a HazCat Kit is a simple process with on average a 7-10 day turn around.  Shipping your HazCat Kit to us can be accomplished with specific directions mailed, phoned, faxed or electronically sent to the shipper.

If you have further inquiries please feel free to contact us.


Dawn L. Plunkett

Operations Manager

HazTech Systems, Inc

PO Box 929

3919 Bootjack Lane

Mariposa, CA  95338

(800) 543-5487 or (209) 966-8088 Ext. 201

Fax: (209) 966-8089

Cell: (209) 769-3647

What Materials Can Hazcat Identify

Which chemicals can be identified by HazCat?

A competent user can identify thousands of chemicals with the HazCat System. Here are a few of the more common, from “A” to “Z”:

Acetic Acid
Ammonium nitrate Ammonium perchlorate Aniline

Arsenic acid Asbestos Benzoyl peroxide Bleach
Boric acid

Diesel fuel Dimethyl sulfate Ether
Ethylene glycol Fiberglass
Flour Formaldehyde Gasoline Hydrazine Hydrofluoric acid Hydrogen peroxide Hydroiodic acid Iodine
Latex paint

Phosphoric acid Phosphorus pentoxide Picric acid
Potassium cyanide Potassium hydroxide Potassium metal Propyl chloride Pumice
Salicyclic acid
Sodium cyanide Sodium hydroxide Sodium metal

Calcium carbide Calcium hydroxide Calcium metal Calcium sulfate Carbon disulfide Carbonated water Cement Chlorobenzene Chrome

Chromic acid Chromium trioxide Cobalt

Sulfuric acid Tetrahydrofuran Thionyl chloride Thiophene Turpentine

Which chemical groups can be identified by HazCat?

Lithium hydroxide
Lithium metal
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide Urea

Nitric acid Oxalic acid Paint stripper PCBs Perchloric acid

Urethane plastic Urine

HazCat can also characterize chemicals by “families.” Many groups are clustered by functional group. Others take on characteristics due to related structure. Here are the common ones:

Animal feed
BTEX hydrocarbons Carbamates
Chlorinated hydrocarbons Chlorocyanurates

Nitriles Organo-metals Organophosphates Plastics/plastic resins Polyols

Thionated pesticides Wood and wood products